Any extension methods take precedence over controller methods with the same name. Take a look at Building a Controller Extension:
Multiple controller extensions can be defined for a single page through a comma-separated list. This allows for overrides of methods with the same name. For example, if the following page exists:
<apex:page standardController="Account"
extensions="ExtOne,ExtTwo" showHeader="false">
<apex:outputText value="{!foo}" />
with the following extensions:
public class ExtOne {
public ExtOne(ApexPages.StandardController acon) { }
public String getFoo() {
return 'foo-One';
public class ExtTwo {
public ExtTwo(ApexPages.StandardController acon) { }
public String getFoo() {
return 'foo-Two';
The value of the <apex:outputText>
component renders as foo-One. Overrides are defined by whichever methods are defined in the “leftmost” extension, or, the extension that is first in the comma-separated list. Thus, the getFoo method of ExtOne is overriding the method of ExtTwo.
If you have exactly one extension defined, it is "leftmost".