Another way to ask the question: Are SOQL queries transactional/atomic on the second level?
I am writing a data integration with salesforce using the REST API. I want to retrieve a list of updated objects since the last time I pulled data from the API. This could be accomplished by a query like this: SELECT Id, LastModifiedDate FROM Task WHERE LastModifiedDate > 2013-12-18T21:50:43.000+0000
The value "2013-12-18T21:50:43.000+0000" would come from the greatest LastModifiedDate available from the copy of the objects I already have.
BUT, how do I know that I retrieved all records for the 43rd second when I last queried the database? Are SOQL queries transactional/atomic on the second level? If they are transactional then the above query will retrieve the exact records I am interested in. If it is not transactional then I would need a query like this: SELECT Id, LastModifiedDate FROM Task WHERE LastModifiedDate >= 2013-12-18T21:50:43.000+0000
BUT, now I will have duplicates for all records modified for the 43rd second. I know this wouldn't be a huge deal, but I would like to pull back as little data as possible.
I am aware of the updated endpoint in the REST API. Documentation for that endpoint can be found here: I do not want to use that endpoint for two reasons. 1) only Ids are retrieved. (I can't retrieve a list of columns that I am interested in, I would need additional api calls to get those). 2) It ignores anything less than minutes in the start and end values. If I am going to hit the API, I don't want to miss out on the last 1-59 seconds of activity.