I came across this site and wanted my own visualforce page to be publicly viewable without any logins. How can I do this?
I came across this site and wanted my own visualforce page to be publicly viewable without any logins. How can I do this?
Easy! After creating your Visualforce page:
go to Setup > Develop > Sites,
register your Force.com subdomain name,
create a new Force.com Site
next to 'Site Visualforce Pages' click Edit
add your page to the list of Enabled Visualforce Pages
Site Guest User
and look for anything interesting. If that doesn't yield and leads, maybe raise a new question showing the source of your Page, Controller and any Extensions.
Dec 18, 2013 at 13:26
You need to go to your site, click on the name and click edit on the "Site Visualforce Pages" section, add the page to the site.