The use case is that I am trying to have a roll-up field on the account object that is a sum of the total # of Open and Closed activities on the account. This would be easy with a Trigger, but I want to limit the technical debt in my org.
What I have is just 1 Trigger on the Account. Here is the code for the trigger, AccountTrigger.
trigger AccountTrigger on Account (before insert, before update, before delete, after insert, after update, after delete, after undelete) {
AccountTriggerHandler handler = new AccountTriggerHandler();
if (Trigger.isBefore) {
else if(Trigger.isUpdate){
handler.OnBeforeUpdate(Trigger.old,,trigger.newMap, Trigger.oldMap);
else if(Trigger.isDelete){
handler.OnBeforeDelete(trigger.old,Trigger.newMap, Trigger.oldMap);
else if (Trigger.isAfter) {
else if(Trigger.isUpdate){
handler.OnAfterUpdate(Trigger.old,,trigger.newMap, Trigger.oldMap);
else if(Trigger.isDelete){
handler.OnAfterDelete(trigger.old, Trigger.oldMap);
The AccountTrigger calls an APEX class called AccountTriggerHandler. This class has methods for beforeInsert, beforeUpdate, ect. so that way those methods just call other APEX classes. Here is the code for it.
public with sharing class AccountTriggerHandler {
public static boolean firstRunOnBeforeInsert = true;
public static boolean firstRunOnAfterInsert = true;
public static boolean firstRunOnBeforeUpdate = true;
public static boolean firstRunOnAfterUpdate = true;
public static boolean firstRunOnBeforeDelete = true;
public static boolean firstRunOnAfterDelete = true;
public static boolean firstRunOnUndelete = true;
public void OnBeforeInsert(Account[] newObjects){
firstRunOnBeforeInsert = false;
public void OnAfterInsert(Account[] newObjects, map<id,Account> MapNewMap){
firstRunOnAfterInsert = false;
ActivityUtils au = new ActivityUtils.updateAccountActivityCount();
public void OnBeforeUpdate(Account[] oldObjects, Account[] updatedObjects, map<id,Account> MapNewMap, map<id,Account> MapOldMap){
firstRunOnBeforeUpdate = false;
public void OnAfterUpdate(Account[] oldObjects, Account[] updatedObjects, map<id,Account> MapNewMap, map<id,Account> MapOldMap){
firstRunOnAfterUpdate = false;
//Query accounts to be used in all of the future methods.
Map<Id,Account> oppMap = new Map<Id,Account>([
FROM Account
WHERE Id in :MapNewMap.keyset()
//SendemailController.sendInvoice(updatedObjects, MapOldMap);
public void OnBeforeDelete(Account[] ObjectsToDelete, map<id,Account> MapNewMap, map<id,Account> MapOldMap){
firstRunOnBeforeDelete = false;
public void OnAfterDelete(Account[] deletedObjects, map<id,Account> MapOldMap){
firstRunOnAfterDelete = false;
public void OnUndelete(Account[] restoredObjects){
firstRunOnUndelete = false;
I have a 3rd APEX class called ActivityUtils which has the code for pulling in the open and closed activities and pushing them to 2 different fields, on multiple objects. This was a solution I found online on this blog. Ideally, I would just want to pull in both the count of the open and closed activities only on the Account object, and push them to 1 field Count_of_Activities__c.
public class ActivityUtils {
String fieldToUpdate = 'NVM_Activities__c'; //this field must be added to each object we're updating
String fieldOpenToUpdate = 'Count_of_Activities__c'; //this field must be added to each object we're updating
set<id> accountIds;
set<id> contactIds;
set<id> opportunityIds;
set<id> leadIds;
set<id> caseIds;
public ActivityUtils(sObject[] records) {
accountIds = new set<id>();
contactIds = new set<id>();
opportunityIds = new set<id>();
leadIds = new set<id>();
caseIds = new set<id>();
public void updateAccountActivityCount() {
if(accountIds.size() == 0) return;
updateActivityCount('Account','WhatId', getStringFromIdSet(accountIds));
updateActivityHistory('Account','WhatId', getStringFromIdSet(accountIds));
public void updateContactActivityCount() {
if(contactIds.size() == 0) return;
updateActivityCount('Contact','WhoId', getStringFromIdSet(contactIds));
updateActivityHistory('Contact','WhoId', getStringFromIdSet(contactIds));
public void updateOpportunityActivityCount() {
if(opportunityIds.size() == 0) return;
updateActivityCount('Opportunity','WhatId', getStringFromIdSet(opportunityIds));
updateActivityHistory('Opportunity','WhatId', getStringFromIdSet(opportunityIds));
public void updateLeadActivityCount() {
if(leadIds.size() == 0) return;
updateActivityCount('Lead','WhoId', getStringFromIdSet(leadIds));
updateActivityHistory('Lead','WhoId', getStringFromIdSet(leadIds));
public void updateCaseActivityCount() {
if(caseIds.size() == 0) return;
//updateActivityCount('Case','WhoId', getStringFromIdSet(caseIds));
//updateActivityHistory('Case','WhoId', getStringFromIdSet(caseIds));
private void updateActivityCount(String objToUpdate, String queryFld, String updateIds) {
string strQuery = 'SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM OpenActivities) FROM ' + objToUpdate + ' WHERE Id IN (' + updateIds + ')';
sObject[] sobjects = new list<sobject>();
for(sObject so : database.query(strQuery)) {
OpenActivity[] oActivities = so.getSObjects('OpenActivities');
Integer openActivityCount = oActivities == null ? 0 : oActivities.size();
sObject obj = createObject(objToUpdate, so.Id);
obj.put(fieldOpenToUpdate, openActivityCount);
system.debug('openActivityCount: ' + openActivityCount);
update sobjects;
private void updateActivityHistory(String objToUpdate, String queryFld, String updateIds) {
string strQuery = 'SELECT Id, (SELECT Id FROM ActivityHistories) FROM ' + objToUpdate + ' WHERE Id IN (' + updateIds + ')';
sObject[] sobjects = new list<sobject>();
for(sObject so : database.query(strQuery)) {
ActivityHistory[] oActivities = so.getSObjects('ActivityHistories');
Integer closedActivityCount = oActivities == null ? 0 : oActivities.size();
sObject obj = createObject(objToUpdate, so.Id);
obj.put(fieldToUpdate, closedActivityCount);
system.debug('ActivityHistoryCount: ' + closedActivityCount);
update sobjects;
private void captureWhatAndWhoIds(sObject[] objects) {
for(sObject o : objects) {
Id whatId = (Id)o.get('WhatId');
Id whoId = (Id)o.get('WhoId');
if(whatId != null) {
String objectName = getObjectNameFromId(whatId);
if(objectName == 'account') accountIds.add(whatId);
if(objectName == 'opportunity') opportunityIds.add(whatId);
if(whoId != null) {
String objectName = getObjectNameFromId(whoId);
if(objectName == 'contact') contactIds.add(whoId);
if(objectName == 'lead') leadIds.add(whoId);
private void addAccountIdsFromRlatedObjects() {
for(Opportunity o : [SELECT AccountId FROM Opportunity WHERE Id IN :opportunityIds]) accountIds.add(o.AccountId);
for(Contact c : [SELECT AccountId FROM Contact WHERE Id IN :contactIds]) accountIds.add(c.AccountId);
private String getObjectNameFromId(Id objId) {
String preFix = String.valueOf(objId).left(3).toLowercase();
if(prefix == '001') return 'account';
if(prefix == '003') return 'contact';
if(prefix == '006') return 'opportunity';
if(prefix == '00q') return 'lead';
//if(prefix == '500') return 'case';
return '';
private String getStringFromIdSet(set<id> idSet) {
string idString = '';
for(Id i : idSet) idString+= '\'' + i + '\',';
return idString == '' ? idString : idString.left(idString.length()-1); //If idString contains some ids we want to ensure we strip out the last comma
//The main part of the method below was taken from //Taken from
//However we've modified this to accept an object id
private sObject createObject(String typeName, Id objId) {
Schema.SObjectType targetType = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(typeName);
if (targetType == null) {
// throw an exception
// Instantiate an sObject with the type passed in as an argument
// at run time.
return targetType.newSObject(objId);
The reason I'm going for this solution is becuase it seemed simple and scalable. The issue I'm running into now is whenever I try and edit an Account to test this functionality, I get this error.
Error:Apex trigger AccountTrigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: AccountTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.SObjectException: Invalid field WhatId for Account: ()
Why would the variable WhatId be causing this? Is there a simpler solution to what I'm trying to do, and if so what is it?
to an Account object, or querying aWhatId
on an account object. Im digging into it now but Im pretty busy today.After Update
when you don't actually call the activity check on after update, you call it on after insert. This line (ActivityUtils au = new ActivityUtils.updateAccountActivityCount();
) also strikes me as odd - how does this compile? You don't have a no-arg constructor in your class. I don't even think thats a legal syntax (Id expectActivityUtils()
is slow & bloated since it returns all values. Id either "cache" the result, or useType.forName(typeName).newInstance()
and set the id of the returned object before returning it as the result.