I'm work on a managed package in a developer org and I'm using the migration tool to move the contents to an Enterprise Edition org provisioned from the partner portal.
I was able to pull my package down with an 'ant retrieve' I setup. I removed the namespace from the XML since I don't need that for now.
I then try to deploy it and it keeps failing on fields that aren't even part of my package.
At first it was failing on the leadSource picklist value fields (I did not customize these). Apparently the default picklist values are different between the origin (developer org) and the EE org. I removed those from my Contact.object and now its complaining about lastReferencedDate on several of my custom objects. Has anyone else encountered these types of errors or know how to resolve them? I have a feeling I'm falling down a slippery slope of just trying to strip stuff out one error at a time.
I stripped out all of the problem fields/picklist values that weren't related to my package from the metadata.
I then had to remove all of the available in fieldset entries in my object XML. Apparently thats not allowed in EE orgs: http://boards.developerforce.com/t5/Apex-Code-Development/Field-set-issue/m-p/716451#M133498
The last remaining error is:
- connectedApps/Synapse.connectedApp -- Error: You cannot provide a Consumer Key
Its my understanding that this technically has to only live in 1 org to function, is that correct? It looks like thats the case based on the responses here: Connected App in Managed Package