I am getting this error message when dynamically adding a lightning component:

Definition does not exist on the client for descriptor:markup://c:MyCustomLightningComponent. Client side caches have been cleared. Please reload the page. Callback failed: aura://ComponentController/ACTION$getComponent]

I use this function to inject the component:

injectComponent: function (cmp, name) {

    var self = this;
    var activeScreen = cmp.find('activeScreen');

    if (activeScreen) {

    var target = cmp.find('main');

    $A.createComponent(name, {
        "aura:id": "activeScreen"
    }, function (contentComponent, status, error) {
        if (status === "SUCCESS") {
            target.set('v.body', contentComponent);
        }else if (status === "INCOMPLETE") {
            console.log("No response from server or client is offline.")
        } else if (status === "ERROR") {
            throw new Error(error);

But dynamically loading components has been working in my code and I haven't recently changed this method.

Additionally, I know the above code works, because it successfully loads the first component, it when I try and load either of the second components that it fails.

I know the component names, i.e. c:MyCustomLightningComponent exist.

I am not using a custom component namespace.

The only thing that has changed recent relates to the code that runs prior to the injectComponent method, I have 5 Promises running and I noticed in the console log that entries appear after the error message, not sure if this is relevant.

JavaScript promises code:

saveStuff : function(cmp, model){

    var self = this;
    var savePromise1;        
    var savePromise1;
    var savePromise3;
    var savePromise4;
    var promises = [];


    if (model.foobar == 'true'){

    if (model.banana.foobar == 'true'){

    savePromise1 = this.saveBanana(cmp, model).then(function(result){
        model.banana.id = result;

        if (model.foobar == 'true'){

            savePromise2 = self.saveFoobar(cmp, model).then(function(result){
                model.foobar.id = result;

                if (model.apple == 'true'){
                    self.sendAppleEmail(cmp, model);
                    next = screenEnum.END;

                return self.saveAppleRelationship(cmp, model).then(function(result) {
                    model.relationship.id = result; 

        } else {

            if (model.apple == 'true'){
                self.sendAppleEmail(cmp, model);
                next = screenEnum.END;

        savePromise3 = self.saveOrange(cmp, model).then(function(result){
            model.orange.id = result;

        if (model.banana.foobar == 'true'){

            savePromise4 = self.saveBananaFoobar(cmp, model).then(function(result){
                model.banana.foobar.id = result;        

    Promise.resolve(savePromise1).catch(function(error) {
        console.log('error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));

    Promise.resolve(savePromise2).catch(function(error) {
        console.log('error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));

    Promise.resolve(savePromise3).catch(function(error) {
        console.log('error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));

    Promise.resolve(savePromise4).catch(function(error) {
        console.log('error: ' + JSON.stringify(error));

    Promise.all(promises).then(function(values) {
        var next = self.getNextScreen(cmp, model);
        self.handleChange(cmp, next);

I am not sure where to look next - any suggestions?

1 Answer 1


I solved this by refactoring the JavaScript Promises to chain them together so they had all finished before the methods in Promise.all were run.

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