I have a requirement to cancel a send if certain conditions are not met. My current code cancels the send, but does not log the conditions. According to the RaiseError Documentation, the last term (boolean
Indicates whether the function records information to data extensions before error occurs, even if the process skips the subscriber. A value of 1 retains information written to data extensions before the error occurs, even if the subscriber is skipped. A value of 0 does not retain information recorded before the error. This parameter refers to inserted, updated, upserted, or deleted information via AMPscript.
so if my understanding is right, putting a value of 1
here so log the error.
Here is a copy of my code:
SET @rows2 = LookUpOrderedRows('ENT.Presend Agreement Log',1,'DateAdded Desc','email_name',emailname_)
IF RowCount(@rows2) == 0
SET @Message ="Loren Ipsum"
/*Should this be an upsert??*/
UpsertDE('ENT.Presend Agreement Error Log',1,
RaiseError(@Message, false,1)
Would appreciate any pointers here