I have a simple Platform Event defined in several of our orgs (sandboxes), but in one of them, they just refuse to work.
As a test, I set up an Apex trigger subscriber to the event, made sure it's active, put a bunch of debugs in there so that I know when it gets called.
I can publish the event in Developer Console anonymous Apex and get no errors, but the Apex trigger subscriber never fires (I have another subscriber which is a Lightning Component using CometD and it doesn't received them either).
I can run the exact same test in other orgs without problems, but in this one org, it looks like Platform Events and/or the Event Bus just doesn't work. There are no errors, it just doesn't look like events are getting published.
The event is in deployed status, the trigger is active, I've double and triple checked everything I can think of, but it just doesn't work.
Has anybody run into this before? Any ideas on how to kickstart events working in this one org?