I have a Site User who accesses records through a VF page. I am encountering a strange problem where, Files uploaded in Lightning is visible but not the files those were uploaded in Classic.
When debugged, SOQL query is returning all in Execute Anonymous, but Debug Logs show only limited (uploaded in Lightning).
List<ContentDocumentLink> docList = [select ContentDocumentId, ContentDocument.title from ContentDocumentLink where LinkedEntityId =:recordId];
system.debug('docList: ' + docList);
I found that there is "working as designed" behavior while deleting a File - Lightning vs Classic - https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000270734&language=en_US&type=1. Wondering if my issue is similar to this issue!
Any idea how to solve this? More importantly any idea why this is happening?
object - you have theContentLocation
field: 'S'=within Salesforce, 'E'=External