What I'm trying to do is in this query on the custom object Contract Documents (Contract_Document__c), only pulling in contract documents that are associated with their opp. A contract document is associated to an opp through a lookup field. This field is called Opportunity__c and it rests on the Contract_Document__c object. The child relationship name is Contract_Documents.

Here is my query.

public static void syncIt(String quoteId, String oppId){
        Quote quoteObj = [SELECT OpportunityId, Service_Template_Codes__c, IsSyncing FROM Quote WHERE Id = :quoteId];

        Opportunity oppObj = [SELECT Id, SyncedQuoteId FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :oppId];

        Contract_Document__c contractDocObj = [SELECT Implementation__c, Contract_Documents__r.Id FROM Contract_Document__c WHERE Contract_Documents__r.Id = :oppId];

        oppObj.SyncedQuoteId = quoteObj.Id;
        oppObj.Service_Edited__c = true;

        contractDocObj.Implementation__c = quoteObj.Service_Template_Codes__c;
        update oppObj;
        update contractDocObj;

    Catch(exception e){
        system.debug(logginglevel.error, '*****'+e);

The line in question is

Contract_Document__c contractDocObj = [SELECT Implementation__c, Contract_Documents__r.Id FROM Contract_Document__c WHERE Contract_Documents__r.Id = :oppId];

I've looked all over online and that's how I've seen how to reference cross objects using relationship fields but I keep getting this error in the developer console:

SELECT Implementation__c, Contract_Documents__r.Id FROM Contract_Document__c ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:27 Didn't understand relationship 'Contract_Documents__r' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.

But when I use Opportunity__c instead, it pulls a null value. Any suggestions on this?

4 Answers 4


The Child Relationship Name is the API name of a list of children records under the parent of the lookup.

Your query for the opportunity can include a subquery for these child records, using this API name and you can iterate these records in the list.

Opportunity oppObj = [SELECT Id
                            , SyncedQuoteId
                            , (SELECT Id
                                , Implementation__c
                                FROM Contract_Documents__r) 
                        FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :oppId];

// output the opportunity information
system.debug('Opportunity: ' + oppObj);

// iterate over the list of child records in the Contract_Documents__r list
for (Contract_Document__c cDocument : oppObj.Contract_Documents__r) {
    system.debug('Contract Document: ' + cDocument);

// serialize as JSON

First of all, verify the relationship name correctly. You can describe this object in the workbench to find correct relationship name.

Here, is an example


Secondly, instead of writing this:

Contract_Document__c contractDocObj = [SELECT Implementation__c, Contract_Documents__r.Id FROM Contract_Document__c WHERE Contract_Documents__r.Id = :oppId];

Use directly Lookup field if Contract_Document__c is lookup as follows :

Contract_Document__c contractDocObj = 
[SELECT Implementation__c, Contract_Document__c 
    FROM Contract_Document__c 
    WHERE Contract_Document__c = :oppId];

I voted up Mark's answer because that was able to pull in the query I needed but I ended up actually going with this code below for what I did.

public static void syncIt(String quoteId){
        Quote quoteObj = [SELECT OpportunityId, IsSyncing, Service_Template_Codes__c FROM Quote WHERE Id = :quoteId];
        Opportunity oppObj = [SELECT Id, SyncedQuoteId FROM Opportunity WHERE Id = :quoteObj.OpportunityId];
        Contract_Document__c cd = [SELECT Implementation__c FROM Contract_Document__c WHERE Opportunity__c = :oppObj.Id];
        cd.Implementation__c = quoteObj.Service_Template_Codes__c;
        oppObj.SyncedQuoteId = quoteObj.Id;
        update cd;
        update oppObj;
    Catch(exception e){
        system.debug(logginglevel.error, '*****'+e);
  • 1
    If Mark's answer addressed your problem, please consider accepting it by clicking on the check mark/tick to the left of the answer, turning it green. This marks the question as resolved to your satisfaction, and awards reputation both to you and the person who answered. If you have >= 15 reputation points, you may also upvote the answer if you wish. There is no obligation to do either.
    – Adrian Larson
    Commented Apr 10, 2018 at 15:55
  • 1
    Thanks for the suggestion there, I went ahead and did that. Thanks, @AdrianLarson ! Commented Apr 10, 2018 at 16:50

Contract_Document__c contractDocObj = [SELECT Implementation__c, Contract_Documents__r.opportunityId FROM Contract_Document__c WHERE Contract_Documents__r.opportunityId = :oppId];

check for relationship name in field first open lookup field their it will be and change accordingly

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