I have an output panel inside my apex:repeat tag.
My requirement is to conditionally display it.
So for one element in apex:repeat this panel might be rendered ..for some not. Rendering condition is,i need to check whether line item occurs in another controller set variable.
I find it difficult because of following reasons;
1)I understand you cannot check whether a set variable contains this element on visualforce page .or is this possible
2) i can see you cannot pass arguments in your rendered attribute.else i could have specify a boolean value for rendered attribute and set the value based on lineitem passed from front end
3)as the set variable is totally unrelated to line item.i cannot simply specify as below
<apex:repeat value="{!Proposals}" var="item">
<apex:outputPanel rendered="{!item.LineCount > 0}">
Any clue experts Also it is one icon on the element i don't want to display.(not the whole element as such)(but that doesnt make much difference i guess)