I am defining a class for a TR tag based on some condition. This works fine if there is a if and else situation
<tr class="{!IF(ISNULL(Eslot.sEvent), 'Free', 'Fill')}">
Now i have a third option, ie if Eslot.sEvent has some value , then i need to check if that event has a type = 'Personal' and if its is then need use the class called 'Pers' else use Fill.
I tried something like this
<tr class="{!IF(ISNULL(Eslot.sEvent), 'Free', if(Eslot.sEvent.Appointment_Type__c=='Personal','Pers',Fill'))}">
It gives out an error
Error: EL Expression Unbalanced:
Any idea how to resolve this? This code already existing piece of code, so i want to do as less logic changes as possible