Is it possible to delete class properties dynamically in Apex


public class BananaHolder() {
   public boolean isRipe;
   public boolean isDelicious;
   public integer somePropertyThatShouldntBeSentOverJson;
   public string JSON() { return JSON.serialize(this); }

BananaHolder banana = getRandomBanana();
// Delete somePropertyThatShouldntBeSentOverJson property
String jsonString = banana.JSON(); 

1 Answer 1


You could always make the offending property transient, then it won't be included in the JSON (link to transient docs)

public class BananaHolder {
   public boolean isRipe;
   public boolean isDelicious;
   public transient integer somePropertyThatShouldntBeSentOverJson;
   public string JSON() {
        return JSON.serialize(this);

BananaHolder banana = new BananaHolder();
String jsonString = banana.JSON(); 



  • That should do the trick
    – GrayB
    Commented Nov 27, 2013 at 17:34
  • one thing to note, serialization includes private variables, so take care to use transient with those if you don't want them output in a public rest service accidentally Commented Mar 30, 2015 at 23:45

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