I have found myself in a bit of a problem... I am grabbing events and their attachments based on certain filter criteria so there is no problem getting attachments in SOQL. The problem comes with the text filter and SOSL.
Apparently, I cannot perform a SOSL query with a child query inside it (I.e: (SELECT Id, Name FROM Attachments)).
SOQL I can do: SELECT Id, Subject, (SELECT Id, Name FROM Attachments) FROM Event.
Now I am a bit at a loss as to how I can retrieve the events and their attachments with SOSL... I could of course query attachments second, but that means more processing as I attempt to match the attachments up to their events... And I am doing a SOSL query for text search as I can do 'IN ALL FIELDS' as opposed to constructing a string matching each possible field to the text in SOQL...
Is there anything that can be done to retrieve the attachments of an event with the event in SOSL?
FIND 'String' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Event(all my event fields I want data for WHERE my limiting parameters)