I am currently developing a custom Apex adapter for Salesforce Connect. In Classic, the external object record is loading successfully from the external source.

When I load the record in Lightning, on the other hand, I receive the error: "You can't view this item in Lightning Experience. Open in Salesforce Classic." Additionally, the tab title reads "Unsupported Item".

The only limitation with Lightning that I have found for external objects is needing to disable "High Data Volume", which has been done for the external data source. This is defined here: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=platform_connect_considerations_lex.htm&type=5

Is there anything else that I need to activate for external objects to appear in Lightning?

  • is this in console app?
    – glls
    Commented Mar 29, 2018 at 0:58
  • Yes it is in service console, but I receive the same error in LEX Sales app as well. The error is now happening inconsistently, where now I can't reproduce the error every time I load an external object's record page and the external objects display as expected.
    – moth
    Commented Mar 29, 2018 at 16:14

1 Answer 1


I had the same issue before and was able to resolve by going to the Lightning App Builder and creating a record page for the external object which I then added to my app. I think I also has to assign the page as the org default (or at least to my profile).

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