My Connected App settings are the following:
(1) Setup->Manage Apps->Connected Apps->FirstConnectedApp->Refresh Token Policy: "Refresh token is valid until revoked"
(2) Setup->Security Controls->Session Settings->Session Timeout->Timeout Value: "15 minutes".
I can obtain a new access token (using Web Server Flow) and use it to update data using Salesforce Connected App.
Now, I go home and come back the next day to update some data using HTTPS and PATCH, and I get the following response:
"message": "Session expired or invalid",
This error makes perfect sense because the session has expired. Now, I attempt to follow the "Understanding the OAuth Refresh Token Process" ( I send a HTTPS POST using the following settings:
- Header item: "Content-Type: x-www-form-urlencoded"
- Header item: "Authorization: client_id:'Client ID/Consumer Key', client_secret:'Client Secret/Consumer Secret'"
- Body item: "grant_type=refresh_token&refresh_token='refresh_token'"
Now, I submit this HTTPS POST and I get the following response:
"error": "invalid_client_id",
"error_description": "client identifier invalid"
Why would I be getting this response?
I double checked to make sure that in fact the "Client ID" matches the "Consumer Key" in my Connected App.