It states in Salesforce Apex docs that I can get fields for a particular SObject (standard or custom) in the following way:
Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> M = Schema.SObjectType.Custom__c.fields.getMap();
But this requires hardcoding. as I need to hardcode the API name of the SObject : Schema.SObjectType.
Is there a way to access all fields on an SObject dynamically without hard coding? I am getting a list of all SObjects in my org by calling Schema.getGlobalDescribe()
, but this leaves me with API names of individual SObjects. There is no way to get all those SObject's field info dynamically. Am I missing something or it is just not possible?
I want something like:
List <Schema.SObjectField> fieldList = Schema.SObjectType.get(SObject_API_Name).fields;