For the following class, I get the error 'variable does not exist: mq' on lines 25 - 27
Public with sharing class InspectionQuotasHandler{
public static void UpdateMonthlyQuotaOfInspection(List<Inspection__c> InspectionQuotasList){
Set<id> AccountId = new Set<Id>();
for (Inspection__c i : (List<Inspection__c>) {
Map<String,map<String,Id>> keyByLookupMap = new Map<String,map<String,Id>>();
for(Monthly_Quota__c mq : [SELECT Id, Name,Account__c
FROM Monthly_Quota__c
WHERE Account__c = :AccountId]){
keyByLookupMap.put(mq.Account__c, new map<String,Id>());
for(Inspection__c i : (List<Inspection__c>){
if(i.Inspection_Date__c != null && keyByLookupMap.containsKey(mq.Account__c) && keyByLookupMap.get(mq.Account__c).containsKey(convertMonthToWord(i.Inspection_Date__c.month()))){
if(i.Status__c == 'Completed' && i.Month_Since_Launch__c > 0){
i.Monthly_Quota__c = keyByLookupMap.get(mq.Account__c).get(convertMonthToWord(i.Inspection_Date__c.month()));
public static String convertMonthToWord(Integer monthIndex){
return 'January';
}else if(monthIndex==2){
return 'February';
}else if(monthIndex==3){
return 'March';
}else if(monthIndex==4){
return 'April';
}else if(monthIndex==5){
return 'May';
}else if(monthIndex==6){
return 'June';
}else if(monthIndex==7){
return 'July';
}else if(monthIndex==8){
return 'August';
}else if(monthIndex==9){
return 'September';
}else if(monthIndex==10){
return 'October';
}else if(monthIndex==11){
return 'November';
}else if(monthIndex==12){
return 'December';
return null;
How do I fix this?
on line 23 should be inside yourfor(Monthly_Quota__c mq : [SELECT Id, Name,Account__c ...
on line 13 (which would keep the variablemq
in-scope), then proper indentation would reveal that you're missing an opening curly brace on line 17.