I know there are so many questions available in forum regarding Dynamically create Lightning component using $A.createComponent(....);

I have little bit different requirement. while creating the component i am passing the the type dynamically. Means it can be any type of the component. 'Date, String, Text, Textarea, Boolean etc..'

So I have written the code below

var componentTag = '';
var uiComponent = [];
if (fieldSet[0].FieldType == "DOUBLE") {
    componentTag = "lightning:input";
    uiComponent.push("\"aura:id\": \"text-Value\",\"label\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldLabel + ",\"value\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldValue + ",\"class\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldName + "");
} else if (fieldSet[0].FieldType == "DATE") {
    componentTag = "ui:inputDate";
    uiComponent.push('"aura:id": "text-Value","label": "' + fieldSet[0].FieldLabel + '","value": "' + fieldSet[0].FieldValue + '","displayDatePicker": true');
} else if (fieldSet[0].FieldType == "TEXTAREA") {
    componentTag = "lightning:textarea";
    uiComponent.push('\"aura:id\": \"text-Value\",\"label\": "' + fieldSet[0].FieldLabel + '",\"value\": "' + fieldSet[0].FieldValue + '",\"maxlength\": 180,\"class\": "' + fieldSet[0].FieldName + '"');
} else if (fieldSet[0].FieldType == "STRING") {
    componentTag = "lightning:input";
    uiComponent.push('"aura:id": "text-Value","label": "' + fieldSet[0].FieldLabel + '","class": "' + fieldSet[0].FieldName + '"');
} else if (fieldSet[0].FieldType == "PERCENT") {
    componentTag = "lightning:input";
    uiComponent.push("\"aura:id\": \"findableAuraId\",\"type\": \"number\",\"label\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldLabel + ",\"value\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldValue + ",\"class\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldName + "");
} else if (fieldSet[0].FieldType == "CURRENCY") {
    componentTag = "ui:inputCurrency";
    uiComponent.push("\"aura:id\": \"text-Value\",\"label\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldLabel + ",\"value\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldValue + ",\"class\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldName + "");
} else if (fieldSet[0].FieldType == "DATETIME") {
    componentTag = "ui:inputDateTime";
    uiComponent.push("\"aura:id\": \"text-Value\",\"label\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldLabel + ",\"value\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldValue + ",\"displayDatePicker\": true,\"class\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldName + "");
} else if (fieldSet[0].FieldType == "BOOLEAN") {
    componentTag = "ui:inputCheckbox";
    uiComponent.push("\"aura:id\": \"text-Value\",\"label\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldLabel + ",\"value\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldValue + ",\"class\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldName + "");
} else if (fieldSet[0].FieldType == "PHONE") {
    componentTag = "ui:inputPhone";
    uiComponent.push("\"aura:id\": \"text-Value\",\"label\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldLabel + ",\"value\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldValue + ",\"class\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldName + "");
} else if (fieldSet[0].FieldType == "ENCRYPTEDSTRING") {
    componentTag = "lightning:input";
    uiComponent.push("\"aura:id\": \"text-Value\",\"type\": \"password\",\"label\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldLabel + ",\"value\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldValue + ",\"class\": " + fieldSet[0].FieldName + "");
} else {
    componentTag = "lightning:input";
    uiComponent.push('\"aura:id\": \"text-Value\",\"label\": "' + fieldSet[0].FieldLabel + '",\"class\": "' + fieldSet[0].FieldName + "'");

$A.createComponent(componentTag, {
    function(result, status, errorMessage) {
        //Add the new button to the body array
        if (status === "SUCCESS") {
            var body = component.get('v.body');
            component.set('v.body', bodyComponents);
        } else if (status === "INCOMPLETE") {
            console.log("No response from server or client is offline.")
            // Show offline error
        } else if (status === "ERROR") {
            console.log("Error: " + errorMessage);
            // Show error message

Here fieldSet is an array which has all the information regarding FieldType, FieldLabel, FieldName everything. But when it renders it just creates an inputText without any label or anything. I am sure I am doing wrong at assigning values at uiComponent. I tried all the possible ways taking it as a string all other ways I know.

If anyone can help me here it would be great. Let me know if anything clarification is required from my side.

PS - I have all the variable declared. if it is missing in code please assume it is there.

Edit - adding the output screen shot enter image description here

  • I guess you iterating over a list of FieldSets?! If so, be sure you did not hard code [0] but [i] or similar. Did you try to debug fieldSet[i]? what does it show?
    – itsmebasti
    Commented Feb 22, 2018 at 10:41
  • for now I have only 1 value in fieldSet thats why I have hard coded it. values in FieldSet is coming correctly. Commented Feb 22, 2018 at 10:42
  • it is working when I am creating it as standard way. $A.createComponent( "ui:inputDate", { "aura:id": "text-Value", "multiple": "true", "label": fieldSet[0].FieldLabel, "value": fieldSet[0].FieldValue, "class": fieldSet[0].FieldName } but not if I pass it as above Commented Feb 22, 2018 at 10:49
  • oh okay. Why are you pushing a single string to your uiComponent? the format should be: Map<String, Object>. So it should look like this: uiComponent = {"aura:id" : "text-Value", .... } And than use $A.createComponent( componentTag, uiComponent,
    – itsmebasti
    Commented Feb 22, 2018 at 10:51
  • Maybe you should get familiar with javascript syntax for objects
    – itsmebasti
    Commented Feb 22, 2018 at 10:53

1 Answer 1


As I did not find an answer from anywhere.. This is not possible to do it either with Map or array. Better to write the complete code.

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