Using MOVABLE-INK to display customer name with custom fonts in email as an image. In outlook 2016 PC French name with accent is not showing at all looks like a broken image path, even after using the URLEncode function. Did anyone experience this issue?

%%[var @FirstName set @FirstName = [First Name]]%%

  VAR @encodedEmailFName
  SET @encodedEmailFName = URLEncode(@FirstName,1)

  <a href="http://www.example.com?mi_name=%%=v(@encodedEmailFName)">
   <img src="someimage.png? mi_name=%%= v(@encodedEmailFName) =%%"/>

using Movable-Ink

  • I see some curly-quotes in your image src tag. Is that on purpose? Jan 31, 2018 at 22:40
  • What character encoding are you using in the Email Properties? Jan 31, 2018 at 22:40
  • Am using UTF-8. The curly quotes is when copy paste. It’s good in my email.
    – Gold
    Jan 31, 2018 at 22:44

1 Answer 1


Found a fix for the PC Outlook issue. What I did is URLEncode the [First Name] first and then concatenate it to the URL. Then in the SRC I used RedirectTo or TreatAsContent both works.

%%[ SET @FisrtName = [First Name]; SET @endCodefirstName = URLEncode(@FisrtName,1,1) SET @concatIMg = Concat('http://www.someimage.png?','mi_name=%%=v(@endCodefirstName)=%%') ]%%

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