Having a lightning controller's code:

var action = cmp.get("myAction");
action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
    // Callback code's here

I call for a server-side controller's method and after receiving a response, I handle it. The response is an object which contains various methods (and fields?) but I can't find any information about them.

From a Calling a Server-Side Action page I found out for example that by using a getError() method I can get an array (btw shouldn't it be 'getErrors'?) of errors returned from the server. I suppose there are much more things to be discovered but I just don't know where to look for them.

Is there any documentation of the response object?

1 Answer 1


My understanding is the response object param coming back into the callback function is nothing but a representation of the Aura Action object.

So you will have all of the properties and methods of the Action object (listed in the open source Aura docs) available in the response object.


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