I have a code snippet that I try to create a query and perform it. I am able to create the query but it does not perform the query. Instead, it gives that error: Exception occurred during [Schedule::Start]
$pr = new ExactTarget_PerformRequestMsg();
$pr->Action = "Start";
$pr->Definitions = array();
$qd = new ExactTarget_QueryDefinition();
$qd->Name = "de_sql";
$qd->CustomerKey = "de_sql";
$qd->Description = "API_Query";
$qd->TargetUpdateType = "Overwrite";
$qd->TargetType = "DE";
$qd->QueryText = "SELECT sub.Localization, sub.SubscriberKey FROM ( SELECT a.SubscriberKey, a.Localization, row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY a.Localization ORDER BY a.SubscriberKey desc) as rowindex FROM " . $filter . " a WHERE a.SubscriberKey IN (SELECT SubscriberKey FROM ENT._Subscribers WHERE Status = 'Active') ) sub WHERE rowindex = 1 ";
$ibo = new ExactTarget_InteractionBaseObject();
$ibo->CustomerKey = "EF967E69-CD41-40F2-A896-4362802B7B79";
$ibo->Name = "prooflist_test";
$qd->DataExtensionTarget = $ibo;
$object = new SoapVar($qd, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'QueryDefinition', "http://exacttarget.com/wsdl/partnerAPI");
$request = new ExactTarget_CreateRequest();
$request->Options = NULL;
$request->Objects = array($object);
$results = $client->Create($request);
$p_results = array($results);
$pr->Definitions[] = new SoapVar($qd, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'QueryDefinition', "http://exacttarget.com/wsdl/partnerAPI");
$pr->Options = NULL;
$results2 = $client->Perform($pr);