Lightning behaves differently due to its JavaScript-based design. If you want to preserve some data, you have to store it somewhere and get it back later. One way that I've found to do this is to provide session-backed storage. This allows the component to retain data in the browser's session storage area, which is typically wiped out when the user closes their browser.
Here's a basic implementation:
Component code
<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.init}" />
<lightning:input name="searchText" type="text" value="{!s.searchText}" label="Search Term" />
<lightning:button type="search" label="Search" onclick="{!}" />
Controller Code
init: function(component, event, helper) {
if(component.get("s.searchText")) {;
search: function(component, event, helper) {;
Helper Code
setup: function(component) {
get: function(key, comp) { return sessionStorage.getItem(key); },
set: function(key, value, comp) { sessionStorage.setItem(key, value); }
search: function(component) {
// implementation not given //
The magic here is that when the component or application is reloaded, it will remember the previous term, if any, and automatically execute a search. Note that this means that the list may be different if the values changed from the last refresh, but this is probably acceptable.
Alternatively, you can set up a hash value provider. This puts the search term in the URL, allowing back/forward to work normally. Here's what that implementation looks like:
Component (No Changes)
Controller (No Changes)
setup: function(component) {
get: (key, comp) => this.parseHash()[key] || "",
set: (key, value, comp) => { this.storeHash(key, value); }
storeHash: function(key, value) {
var result = [], temp = this.parseHash();
Object.keys(temp).forEach((v) => result[v] = encodeURIComponent(result[v]));
temp[key] = encodeURIComponent(value);
Object.keys(temp).forEach((v) => result.push(key+'='+temp[key]));
parseHash: function() {
var results = [],
parts = location.hash? location.hash.replace(/^#/,'').split(/&/): [];
parts.forEach((v) => results[v.split(/=/)[0]] = decodeURIComponent(v.split(/=/)[1]));
return results;
search: function(component) {
// not implemented //
This implementation has the advantage of also being bookmarkable, in case the user would like to return to the search. You can use the value provider to store all kinds of useful stuff in the hash. For example, if you have pagination, sorting, etc, you can put all those variables there.
If you want some obfuscation, though, you could also encode the parameters differently. I simply used a URL-looking syntax for convenience, but you could store encoded JSON data or whatever else makes sense for you if you'd like.