We are facing a limitation with the Activity object and hope that some of you have workarounds to offer.
Use Case: We want the ability to link up to 5 records from a custom object from the Acitvity object. So if I am on an activity record I see 5 custom fields
Field 1 to custom object record
Field 2 to custom object record
etc.. til field # 5
Sounds easy on the paper: Just add 5 look-up fields to the custom object.
Problem: Activity cannot have multiple relationships to the same object... So we can have only 1 lookup field per object (see validation error message from SFDC below)
Has anyone a workaround or idea?
Could a custom VF page overcome this issue?
Error message:
Validation Errors While Saving Record(s) There were custom validation error(s) encountered while saving the affected record(s). The first validation error encountered was "Lookups on activites must have a unique domain. You can not have multiple relationships to the same object.".