I think you're email encoding settings are set to ISO-8859-1. This only supports latin languages (like English). If you change this to UTF-8 than you should have full support for Hindi and any other language.
This article explains it very well: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000005102&type=1
If you'd like to change the setting these are the instructions from the article. You need to change this at both the user records, and at the email template records for it to have full effect.
Navigate to Salesforce User Record
Salesforce Classic UI: Name | My Settings | Personal | Language & Timezone | Email Encoding
Lightning Experience UI: Click the User avatar in the upper right corner | Settings | My Personal Information | Advanced User Details | Click Edit - Select the required value for the 'Email Encoding' field
Navigate to Email Templates
Salesforce Classic UI:
Name | Setup |> Adminstration | Communicaton Templates | Email Templates (select the template) | Encoding
Lightning Experience UI:
Setup | Administration
| Email | Email Templates | Select the template - Click Edit | Select
the required value for the 'Encoding' field