Nothing special. I am testing batch class and I am facing the following exception:
Error Message
System.UnexpectedException: Error processing messages
Stack Trace
Class.System.Test.stopTest: line 19, column 1
Class.DatabaseAsyncTest.testdoDMLBatchIsSucessful: line 10, column 1
Class under test
public abstract with sharing class DatabaseAsync implements Database.Batchable<SObject>, Database.Stateful{
public Integer batchSize {get; set;}
protected Boolean allOrNone {get; set;}
protected List<SObject> toProcess = new List<SObject>();
protected DatabaseAsync(List<Id> toProcess){
this(toProcess, true);
protected DatabaseAsync(List<Id> toProcess, Boolean allOrNone){
populateFieldsForDML(toProcess, allOrNone);
protected DatabaseAsync(List<SObject> toProcess){
this(toProcess, true);
protected DatabaseAsync(List<SObject> toProcess, Boolean allOrNone){
populateFieldsForDML(toProcess, allOrNone);
protected abstract void doDML();
private void populateFieldsForDML(List<Id> toProcess, Boolean allOrNone){
List<SObject> toProcessSObjs= new List<SObject>();
for(Id recId :toProcess){
SObject sobjToDelete = recId.getSobjectType().newSObject(recId);
populateFieldsForDML(toProcessSObjs, allOrNone);
private void populateFieldsForDML(List<SObject> toProcess, Boolean allOrNone){
this.allOrNone = allOrNone;
this.batchSize = 200;
public Iterable<sObject> start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {
return toProcess;
public void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<sObject> scope){
public void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){
public static void doDML(DatabaseAsync action){
Database.executeBatch(action, action.batchSize);
Test class
private class DatabaseAsyncTest {
static void testdoDMLBatchIsSucessful(){
SetupData testData = new SetupData();
Test.stopTest(); //this is line 10
List<Account> accts = [
select Id
from Account
System.assertEquals(1, accts.size(), 'Incorrect number of created records as a result of batche execution');
public class SetupData{
public User testUser {get; set;}
public ClassUnderTest classUnderTest {get; set;}
public SetupData(){
testUser = TestUserData.getUserForTest()
public void initClassUnderTest(){
classUnderTest = new ClassUnderTest(new List<Id>{UserInfo.getUserId()});
public class ClassUnderTest extends DatabaseAsync{
public ClassUnderTest(List<Id> sobjs){
public override void doDML(){
.setName('Just Name')
AccountBuilder class
public class AccountBuilder {
private class Builder{
private Account record;
private Builder(){
this.record = new Account();
this.record.Name = Random.generateRandomString(10);
public Builder setName(){
this.record.Name = Random.generateRandomString(10);
return this;
public Account getRecord(){
return this.record;
public Builder save(){
upsert this.record;
return this;
public static Builder getBuilder(){
return new Builder();
Can I figure out somehow what is a problem? Or it is just one more SF platform bug?
linetestData.classUnderTest.batchSize = 1;
but I had the same exceptiontoProcess