I'm not getting any errors but I'm not getting the results that I'm looking for. The field is empty if the proposal date is empty and if today's date is 5 days before the proposal due date is. The following formula (the first part of the formula) is supposed to populate the formula field with a text if the proposal due date is in 5 days from today.
I tried to use "AND" in case the Proposal date field is not populated and if today's date is 5 days before the due date.
IF( AND(Proposal_Date__c = NULL,Proposal_Due_Date__c = TODAY()+5), "Proposal is due SOON",
IF( Proposal_Date__c = Proposal_Due_Date__c - 5, "Proposal Due in 5 Days",
IF( Proposal_Date__c = Proposal_Due_Date__c - 4, "Proposal Due in 4 Days",
IF( Proposal_Date__c = Proposal_Due_Date__c - 3, "Proposal Due in 3 Days",
IF( Proposal_Date__c = Proposal_Due_Date__c - 2, "Proposal Due in 2 Days",
IF( Proposal_Date__c = Proposal_Due_Date__c - 1, "Proposal Due in 1 Day",
IF( Proposal_Date__c = Proposal_Due_Date__c, "Proposal Due Today",
IF( Proposal_Date__c >= Proposal_Due_Date__c, "Proposal is Past Due",NULL))))))))
and =Proposal_Due_Date__c
are related?