I'm Having a Batch Class which I want to Run For Current Record On Screen .I'm Calling the Batch Class using Trigger on updation of a field.Is there any Way,i can run the Batch Class for that particular record on which field has been updated .

Batch Class -->

global with sharing class VGA_AssignDealertoPreLaunchModels implements Database.Batchable<sObject>,Database.Stateful{
    Integer startTime = DateTime.newInstance(2007, 6, 23, 8, 3, 3).hour();
    Integer currentHour = system.now().hour();
    Integer endHour = DateTime.newInstance(2007, 6, 23, 19, 3, 3).hour();

    list<lead> lstLead2update = new list<lead>();
    global Database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc)
        set<string> setFieldsLead = new set<string>
        string strLeadQuery = 'Select ';
        for(String strFields : setFieldsLead)
            strLeadQuery += strFields + ',';
        strLeadQuery = strLeadQuery.removeEnd(',');
        strLeadQuery += ' from VGA_Pre_Launch_Configuration__c' ; 

        return Database.getQueryLocator(strLeadQuery);
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC, List<VGA_Pre_Launch_Configuration__c> lstPreLaunchConfiguration)
        if(lstPreLaunchConfiguration != null && !lstPreLaunchConfiguration.isEmpty() && currentHour>=startTime && currentHour<=endHour)
            set<id> setModel = new set<id>();  
            Double noOfLeads = 0; 
            for(VGA_Pre_Launch_Configuration__c objPLC : lstPreLaunchConfiguration)
                if(objPLC.VGA_Pre_launch_Model__c != null
                 && (objPLC.VGA_Status__c.equalsignorecase('New') || objPLC.VGA_Status__c.equalsignorecase('In Progress')))
                    noOfLeads = objPLC.VGA_Number_of_Leads_per_Distribution__c != null?objPLC.VGA_Number_of_Leads_per_Distribution__c:0;
            if(setModel != null && !setModel.isEmpty() && noOfLeads>0)
                list<lead> lstLead = Database.query('select id from Lead where VGA_Model1__c in:'+setModel+' limit '+noOfLeads);  ////Need to add all the Criterias and Fields

                if(lstLead != null && !lstLead.isEmpty())
                    map<id,list<lead>> mapModelWrtLeads = new map<id,list<lead>>();
                    for(Lead objLead : lstLead)  
                            && objLead.VGA_Model1__c != null && objLead.VGA_is_pre_launched_Vehicle__c)  
                            mapModelWrtLeads.put(objLead.VGA_Model1__c,new list<lead>());
                    if(mapModelWrtLeads != null && !mapModelWrtLeads.isEmpty())
                        list<Lead> lstProfanityFilteredLeads = new list<Lead>();
                        list<Lead> lstSpamFilteredleads = new list<Lead>();
                        list<Lead> listofassignDealership = new list<Lead>();
                        //list<Lead> lstProfanityFilteredLeads = new list<Lead>();

                        for(VGA_Pre_Launch_Configuration__c objPLC : lstPreLaunchConfiguration)
                            if(objPLC.VGA_Pre_launch_Model__c != null && objPLC.VGA_Number_of_Leads_per_Distribution__c != null 
                                && objPLC.VGA_Number_of_Leads_per_Distribution__c >0 && mapModelWrtLeads.containskey(objPLC.VGA_Pre_launch_Model__c) 
                                && mapModelWrtLeads.get(objPLC.VGA_Pre_launch_Model__c) != null && mapModelWrtLeads.get(objPLC.VGA_Pre_launch_Model__c).size()>0)
                                /*for(Lead objLead : mapModelWrtLeads.get(objPLC.VGA_Pre_launch_Model__c))
                                    //Do the operations on Lead and mark it as being processed       

                                lstProfanityFilteredLeads = VGA_LeadTriggerHandler.checkProfanity(mapModelWrtLeads.get(objPLC.VGA_Pre_launch_Model__c),true);

                                if(lstProfanityFilteredLeads != null && !lstProfanityFilteredLeads.isEmpty())
                                     lstSpamFilteredleads = VGA_LeadTriggerHandler.checkSpam(lstProfanityFilteredLeads,true);

                                     if(lstSpamFilteredleads != null && !lstSpamFilteredleads.isEmpty())
                                        listofassignDealership = VGA_LeadTriggerHandler.assignDealership(lstSpamFilteredleads,true);

                                        if(listofassignDealership != null && !listofassignDealership.isEmpty())
                                objPLC.VGA_Status__c='In Progress';
                    for(VGA_Pre_Launch_Configuration__c objPLC : lstPreLaunchConfiguration)
                        if(objPLC.VGA_Status__c == 'New' || objPLC.VGA_Status__c =='In Progress')
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC)
        if(lstLead2update != null && !lstLead2update.isEmpty())
                update lstLead2update;
            catch(exception e)

  • Why do you want to run a Batch for just one record (since the on-screen record)?
    – Mahmood
    Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 7:55
  • As That particular Record is used to specify No. of Leads to process and Filter Criteria For the Leads.I'm adding my Batch Class in my Question too.
    – Rishi
    Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 8:35

2 Answers 2


You could modify the batch class to support an optional Id value to add to the query in the start method:

global with sharing ...

    public Id specificId;

    global Database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) {

        strLeadQuery += ' from VGA_Pre_Launch_Configuration__c' ;
        if (specificId != null) {
            strLeadQuery += ' where Id = :specificId';
        return Database.getQueryLocator(strLeadQuery);


and set that field before the batch is executed.


Thanks Keith For the Idea. I took Another Variable and Defined it in Constructor of Batch Class and Passing ID From my Trigger.

static string recordId;
public VGA_AssignDealertoPreLaunchModels(string recordId)
    recordId = recordId;
global Database.querylocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc)
    set<string> setFieldsLead = new set<string>
    string strLeadQuery = 'Select ';
    for(String strFields : setFieldsLead)
        strLeadQuery += strFields + ',';
    strLeadQuery = strLeadQuery.removeEnd(',');
    strLeadQuery += ' from VGA_Pre_Launch_Configuration__c and id =:recordId' ; 

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