The question is in the code comments. Thank you!
<apex:remoteObjects >
<apex:remoteObjectModel jsShortHand="js" name="myCustomObject__c" fields="Id">
<apex:remoteObjectField name="custom_Field__c">
<div id="dynamicSelectionContainer">
This page is intentionally not record-specific.
How would I create a html select list where
each select option is labeled after the RecordType.Name of Schema.SObjectType.myCustomObject__c?
i also need RecordType.Id to be jquery-accessible, i think as an attribute.
In other words how would I dynamically create
the html <Select> <Option> markup to give me all Record Types
of Schema.SObjectType.myCustomObject__c.
Example: SELECT Id,Name FROM RecordType where sobjectType='myCustomObject__c'