I have a testclass that is creates a list of contacts. Line 59:
List<Contact> contacts = [Select Id from Contact limit 1];
I can't figure out why this SOQL query always returns 0 results when I can clearly see contacts in this developer instance.
Here is the execution results in the debug logs:
16:19:09.0 (60381061)|SOQL_EXECUTE_BEGIN|[59]|Aggregations:0|SELECT Id FROM Contact LIMIT 1
16:19:09.0 (64243558)|SOQL_EXECUTE_END|[59]|Rows:0
16:19:09.0 (64273517)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[59]|Bytes:4
16:19:09.0 (64289880)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[59]|Bytes:0
16:19:09.0 (64379863)|HEAP_ALLOCATE|[59]|Bytes:4
Is there a permission or configuration I should check for so this query will return a single contact?