I created a pushTopic for an object
pushTopic.Name = 'InvoiceStatementUpdates';
pushTopic.Query = 'SELECT Id, Name, Status__c, Description__c FROM Invoice_Statement__c';
From Salesforce Java Streaming APi, I get the output as
{event={createdDate=2017-10-12T17:10:42.677Z, replayId=5, type=undeleted}, sobject={Description__c=Java Client Test-2, status__c=Open, Id=a9O2F00000000iGUAQ, Name=INV-0001}}
Is there anyway I can get the object name(Invoice_Statement__c) in the Streaming API output.
In the Output "Id=a9O2F00000000iGUAQ" is related to "Invoice_Statement__c" object but I am not sure how to get the mapping between those two dynamically.