I am using the apex:actionSupport control to execute some code when the apex:inputField it is associated to, has its value changed. The apex:inputField is a look up field, so it spawns a new window to do the look up and then dutifully returns the value to the control on the page. The onchange event of the apex:actionSupport control then fires, but in my apex handler, the object the apex:inputField is bound to, does not have the value populated. Any ideas how I can get this value?
Here's my code:
<apex:inputField id="ShareInputField" value="{!Share.Value__c}">
<apex:actionSupport onsubmit="alert(this.value);" event="onchange" action="{!GetTarget}" immediate="true" reRender="ShareForm"/>
public void GetTarget(){ system.debug('USR_MSG: ' + this.Share.Value__c); }