I want to create a validation rule on Account object, to lock client name changes by the 'Resource Manager'(This is a permission set). This validation rule should fire when the 'Business User' (This is a profile) edits the client name?

Im trying the following but it looks like the way I reference permission set is wrong.

    $Profile.Name  = "Business User"
  • 1
    is Client Name a Custom Field? or are you referring Client Name as OwnerId?
    – SFDCDJ
    Commented Jul 28, 2017 at 10:50
  • sorry yes thats the Client Name, Ive edited that in the code above.
    – Tinkerbell
    Commented Jul 28, 2017 at 10:51
  • @DhananjayPatil I came up with this :- AND( $Profile.Name = 'Business User', ISCHANGED( Name ) ) but i'm not sure how to check the permission set ?
    – Tinkerbell
    Commented Jul 28, 2017 at 10:52

1 Answer 1


As per my knowledge,You can not add permission set in your validation but you can create a custom permission.Check the below link.


But I recommend you to use custom setting(Tye:Hierarchy) instead of Permission Sets.In Custom Setting you can create a checkbox field and add the users/profiles whom you want to bypass/enforce the validation rule.Then you add those Custom setting in your validation formula as:

$Setup.CustomSettingName__c.CheckboxField__c = False/True(Based on the value you set in custom setting).

Its a very easy approach.You can use the same in apex code if you want to bypass those users in future.

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