I have situation kind of user is following certain user when they press other user profile with like button. User object have a field called followerCount field which will hold number of followers for users. when user click other user profile as follower i am calling Below @RemoteAction will create me relation between the users in entitySubscription object. Problem i am facing is when i create new record/relation on entitySubscription i wanted trigger a function so that , i want to calculate number followerCount for user. but i don't know where to write trigger for entitySubscription ? how can i achieve this functionality?
public static Boolean followUsers(String ParentIdStr) {
Id ParentId = Id.valueOf(ParentIdStr);
EntitySubscription entitySubscription = new EntitySubscription(SubscriberId = Userinfo.getUserID(),
ParentId = ParentId,
NetworkId = Network.getNetworkId());
try {
insert entitySubscription;
return true;
catch (DmlException e) {
return false;