I'm building dynamic SOQL query for the search page
I have the following code:
<apex:column headerValue="Invoice Date">
<apex:outputText value="{0,date,MMMM' 'dd', 'yyyy}" label="date">
<apex:param value="{!p.Invoice_Date__c}" />
My Invoice_Date__c
is a date field
in the object
If I execute the following code in Anonymous window I do see the correct format but with my building dynamic SOQL I see the 2017-07-17 00:00:00
Date d = s.Invoice_Date__c;
string dateStr = DateTime.newInstance(d.year(),d.month(),d.day()).format('yyyy-MM-dd');
system.debug('//' + dateStr);
Dynamic query building:
if (s.Invoice_Date__c != null) {
Datetime d = s.Invoice_Date__c;
String dateOutput = d.format('yyyy-MM-dd');
string invoiceDateFormated = DateTime.newInstance(d.year(),d.month(),d.day()+1).format('yyyy-MM-dd');
system.debug('dateOutput: ' + dateOutput);
query += ' and Invoice_Date__c = '+invoiceDateFormated ;
other thing I have noticed that even if I select today's date which is 07/17/2017
but in debug it showing me 07/16/2017
that's why I end-up adding +1