I'm running a unit test in developer console and in setup and I appear to be getting two different results. Within the dev console, my unit tests appear to be passing. But when I run the tests in setup, the unit tests fail.

    static void AssignCaseToIntegrationHCM() {

    String testCase1Owner, testCase2Owner, testCase3Owner;


    Case testCase1 = [SELECT Id, OwnerId FROM Case WHERE Subject = :CASE_1_SUBJECT];
    Case testCase2 = [SELECT Id, OwnerId FROM Case WHERE Subject = :CASE_2_SUBJECT];
    Case testCase3 = [SELECT Id, OwnerId FROM Case WHERE Subject = :CASE_3_SUBJECT];

    testCase1Owner = getGroupNameById(testCase1.ownerid);
    testCase2Owner = getGroupNameById(testCase2.ownerid);
    testCase3Owner = getGroupNameById(testCase3.ownerid);


    System.assertEquals(HCM_QUEUE, testCase1Owner, 'Failed to assign case to HCM Queue');
    System.assertEquals(HCM_QUEUE, testCase2Owner, 'Failed to assign case to HCM Queue');
    System.assertEquals(HCM_QUEUE, testCase3Owner, 'Failed to assign case to HCM Queue');

    private static String getGroupNameById(Id groupdId){
        return [SELECT Name FROM Group WHERE ID  = :groupdId LIMIT 1].name;

For some reason, I get a queryexception when I call the getGroupByName method:

System.QueryException: List has no rows for assignment to SObject



1 Answer 1


See answer: Case Owner changing upon case insert (all case triggers are inactive)

TL;DR - execution context is different, needed to use DML opts to ensure cases are routed correctly when running tests through setup

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