Did anyone tried to new Salesforce Summer 17 feature to deploy metadata records and layouts by Apex Code?
I tried to use this feature to update custom metadata record and it fails for me. I just copied the examples from official documentation:
I have DeployCallback class implementation like it is provided in the documentation but it doesn't seem that this callback is even called
public class MyDeployCallback implements Metadata.DeployCallback {
public void handleResult(Metadata.DeployResult result,
Metadata.DeployCallbackContext context) {
System.debug(LoggingLevel.ERROR, '@@@ result: ' + result );
System.debug(LoggingLevel.ERROR, '@@@ context: ' + context );
if (result.status == Metadata.DeployStatus.Succeeded) {
// Deployment was successful
} else {
// Deployment was not successful
Also I copied Deploy Metadata example from the documentation
public class CreateMetadata{
public void updateAndDeployMetadata() {
// Setup custom metadata to be created in the subscriber org.
Metadata.CustomMetadata customMetadata = new Metadata.CustomMetadata();
customMetadata.fullName = 'MetadataTypeName.MetadataRecordName';
Metadata.CustomMetadataValue customField = new Metadata.CustomMetadataValue();
customField.field = 'customField__c';
customField.value = 'New value';
Metadata.DeployContainer mdContainer = new Metadata.DeployContainer();
// Setup deploy callback, MyDeployCallback implements
// the Metadata.DeployCallback interface (code for
// this class not shown in this example)
MyDeployCallback callback = new MyDeployCallback();
// Enqueue custom metadata deployment
Id jobId = Metadata.Operations.enqueueDeployment(mdContainer, callback);
System.debug(LoggingLevel.ERROR, '@@@ jobId: ' + jobId );
new CreateMetadata().updateAndDeployMetadata();
However, it doesn't seem to work.
I don't find the corresponding debug log for the Metadata Deploy Callback.
Also when I look at the deployment tab I see the following Fatal Error Fatal Error UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 1021353307-20718 (1846919495)
Below I see Component Errors message
Component Errors
Column Error Message MetadataTypeName.MetadataRecordName Custom Metadata Record 0 0 Required fields are missing: [MasterLabel]
I have even tried to modify my code and include the following line
customMetadata.MasterLabel = 'MetadataRecordName';
However, such code doesn't compile and throws error
Variable does not exist: masterLabel
When I try to modify this line to
customMetadata.label = 'MetadataRecordName';
It compiles but still gives error
Strange, but the record gets updated or created in this case.
Does anyone know how to make Deploy Callback work?