Some time ago I had to enable the MyDomain Feature in order to enable custom lightning components on a Sandbox-Org as described here. Until that the two factor authentication was working with password and security codes send by email until then - which was the desired and expected situation.
During the activation of MyDomain this method was replaced unasked and unwanted so that now no longer a code is send by email but users are forced to use the Salesforce Authenticator App installed on a mobile device.
We don't want to use this mechanism and the app, because we don't like it at all. Is there any way to completely disable this method and go back to security codes via email?
It looks like this on the desktop:
It seems to offer a way out (Link "Use a different Verification Method" in the bottom)
But neither of the option is what we are looking for
I have tried to find a way to configure it reading the documentation here
But I was not able to find a setting to get rid of the Authenticator App again.