I want to populate aggregate results in Funding_Cycles_TA__c
Which is a child object of Training_Agreement__c
. The trigger is on Training_Plan__c
which is another child object of Training_Agreement__c
. I have written a trigger which get aggregate results successfully when updating a Training_Plan__c
Actually now I have two issues
The aggregate values respect to
(which is grouped by field in aggregate results) should be populated in respectiveReporting_Year__c
in destination object that is inFunding_Cycles_TA__c
should be cumulative with consecutive year and populated inAchieved_Credits_to_Rpting_Yr_End__c
(the value inachievedCredits
should be added to the nextachievedCredits
and so on. My trigger is as below
trigger PopulateFCTAFromTP on Training_Plan__c (After Update, after insert, after delete) {
Set<Id> TAIds = new Set<Id>();
List< Training_Agreement__c> tasForUpdate = new List<Training_Agreement__c>();
Training_Plan__c[] TPs = null;
TPs = Trigger.new;
}else if(Trigger.isDelete){
TPs = Trigger.old;
//select the Training plans
for (Training_Plan__c TP : TPs) {
if((TP.Training_Agreement__c != null)
||(TP.TEC_Status__c=='On Hold')
||(TP.TEC_Status__c=='Pending Transfer')){
//Aggregate SOQL from Funding_Cycles_TPS__c
List<AggregateResult> agrResults =
Reporting_Year__c reportingYear,
sum(Achieved_Credits_Total__c) achievedCredits,
sum(Funded_Achieved_Credits__c) fundedCredits,
Training_Plan_Standard__r.Training_Plan__r.Training_Agreement__c ita
FROM Funding_Cycles_TPS__c
WHERE Training_Plan_Standard__r.Training_Plan__r.Training_Agreement__c in :TAIds
//where Training_Plan_Standard__r.Training_Plan__r.Training_Agreement__c = 'a0w0M00000VpgtI'
GROUP BY Reporting_Year__c, Training_Plan_Standard__r.Training_Plan__r.Training_Agreement__c];
//Corrosponding Funding_Cycles_TA__c(Child records)need to be updated from Training Agreement
List<Funding_Cycles_TA__c> fctasToUpdate = [Select Reporting_Year__c,
From Funding_Cycles_TA__c
where Training_Agreement__c in: TAIds order by Reporting_Year__c ];
for (AggregateResult ar: agrResults) {
fctasToUpdate.add(new Funding_Cycles_TA__c(Achieved_Credits_in_Rpting_Yr_Funded__c = (Decimal)ar.get('fundedCredits'),
Achieved_Credits_in_Rpting_Yr_Total__c = (Decimal)ar.get('achievedCredits')));
update tasForUpdate;