In Customizable Forecast users can override the commit & best values for users with lower role according to the role hierarchy.

I'm trying to understand if the overrides values are stored somewhere (probably yes), and if we can access and modify those values with apex code?

Attach picture with the relevant standard SF screen. Where does SF store the value 500 that was added?

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


You need to refer Customizable Forecasting Object Data model

Customizable Forecasting Objects


Represents a forecast override of an Opportunity. This read-only object is specific to customizable forecasting. It has a parent-child relationship with LineitemOverride.


A forecast override of a line item on an Opportunity. This read-only object for customizable forecasting has a child-parent relationship with OpportunityOverride.

Those are related to Customizable Forecast fields

Customizable Forecast fields


Represents a revenue-based forecast.

Comments from @Liron C

Actually, the value as the manager override per user in the screen is stored in: ManagerCommitOverride. Unfortunately this field is read only and cannot be update with apex

  • Thanks. However you can see note in the links you added: "This information only applies to Collaborative Forecasts." While we are using Customizable Forecast. Indeed, I try to query this object, and got error that "sObject type 'ForecastingAdjustment' is not supported.". Does SF have any coresponding sobject for Customizable Forecast?
    – Liron C
    Commented May 24, 2017 at 21:15
  • @LironC, refer my updated answer, I was wrong earlier. This will work Commented May 24, 2017 at 21:56
  • 1
    Thanks. Actually, the value as the manager override per user in the screen is stored in: RevenueForecast.ManagerCommitOverride. Unfortunately this field is read only and cannot be update with apex.
    – Liron C
    Commented May 24, 2017 at 22:34

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