We have a Case
related to an Opportunity
, and whenever a particular Case
is created with any of 3 specific stages, it should send an email to the opportunity Account manager regarding the changes in the case. My code is working, but we wanted to use a Map
to get rid of the second for loop. Is it possible? If so, how?
Public static void SendEmailtoAMsInsert(list<Case> NewCaseLst){
//when new case is created
List<user> Amuserid= new list<user>();
Amuserid = [select id from user where id in (select userorgroupid from groupmember where group.name='EU AMS alerts')];
Set<id> userSetIds=new Set<id>();
List<user> user = new List<user>();
Set<Id> setRTIds = StaticFactory.getRecordTypeIdsByName(new Set<string>{'YuMe Trafficking','YFA Trafficking'});
for(User u: Amuserid){
List<Id> LstId = new List<Id>();
for(case cs: NewCaseLst){
List<Opportunity> OppId = [select id,Name,YuMe_Transaction_number__c from Opportunity where ID =: LstId];
//code ends
for(case cs: NewCaseLst){
for(opportunity opp: OppId){ //*** Using MaP??? ****//
system.debug('###cs.Stage__c::'+cs.Stage__c.contains('Media: YFA MA Ready for Trafficking'));
system.debug('###cs.Stage__c::'+cs.Stage__c.contains('Media: YFA MA Ready for Trafficking'));
system.debug('###cs.Stage__c::'+cs.Stage__c.contains('Media: Awaiting Action from YFA-MS'));
cs.Stage__c.contains('Media: YFA Revised MA Ready for Trafficking') ||
cs.Stage__c.contains('Media: YFA MA Ready for Trafficking') ||
cs.Stage__c.contains('Media: Awaiting Action from YFA-MS'))
&& userSetIds.contains(cs.Account_Manager__c)){
Messaging.SingleEmailMessage email = new Messaging.SingleEmailMessage();
string[] address = new string[]{cs.Account_Manager__c};
string subject = 'P' +cs.Priority__c+'-'+opp.YuMe_Transaction_number__c+ '-'+cs.Stage__c +' for '+opp.Name;
'\n An action item is pending from you and is detailed in the Case Comments. Please update the stage accordingly when this is available.'+
'\n This is notify that the case Stage:' + cs.Stage__c+
'\n Case Number:'+Cs.CaseNumber+
'\n Case Subject:'+Cs.Subject+
'\n Case Description:'+Cs.Description+
'\n Opportunity Name:'+opp.Name+
'\n DUE DATE:'+ Cs.Due_Date__c.format()+
'\n YuMe Transaction Number:'+opp.YuMe_Transaction_number__c+
'\n Campaign Start Date:'+Cs.Campaign_Start_Date__c.format()+
'\n Campaign End Date:'+Cs.Campaign_End_Date__c.format()+
'\n Media AP URL:'+cs.Media_Allocation_URL__c+
'\n Latest comment:'+Cs.RecentCaseComment__c+
'\n Media Notes:'+Cs.Media_Notes__c+
Messaging.sendEmail(new Messaging.singleEmailMessage [] {email});
}// end of if check
}// end of SendEmailtoAMsInsert method