I'm having trouble saving the ActivityDate and the CallDurationInSeconds via the saveLog call from the Lightning Open CTI API. I have tried many formats for the date, string with the date, string with the date and time, with a T separator, with a space seperator, with a new Date() object. All give the same error like so: Due Date Only: value not of required type: 2017-05-17T15:33:08
I have the same problem with the CallDurationinSeconds. I tried as a number and as a string of a number, both fail with an error like: Call Duration: value not of required type: 50
Some examples of what I tried.
sforce.opencti.saveLog({value: {entityApiName: 'Task',Status : 'Pending',Type :'Phone Call',Priority : 'Normal', CallDisposition:'Good Call', ActivityDate : '2017-05-17T15:33:08',Subject : 'Call',Description : 'Test', WhatId: accountID},callback: SaveLogCallback });
sforce.opencti.saveLog({value: {entityApiName: 'Task',Status : 'Pending',Type :'Phone Call',Priority : 'Normal', CallDisposition:'Good Call', ActivityDate : '2017-05-17',Subject : 'Call',Description : 'Test', WhatId: accountID},callback: SaveLogCallback });
sforce.opencti.saveLog({value: {entityApiName: 'Task',Status : 'Pending',Type :'Phone Call',Priority : 'Normal', CallDisposition:'Good Call', ActivityDate : new Date(),Subject : 'Call',Description : 'Test', WhatId: accountID},callback: SaveLogCallback });
sforce.opencti.saveLog({value: {entityApiName: 'Task',Status : 'Pending',Type :'Phone Call',Priority : 'Normal', CallDisposition:'Good Call', CallDurationInSeconds: 50, Subject : 'Call',Description : 'Test', WhatId: accountID},callback: SaveLogCallback });
sforce.opencti.saveLog({value: {entityApiName: 'Task',Status : 'Pending',Type :'Phone Call',Priority : 'Normal', CallDisposition:'Good Call', CallDurationInSeconds: '50', Subject : 'Call',Description : 'Test', WhatId: accountID},callback: SaveLogCallback });
Any help you might have is much appreciated.