I'm trying to create a test class for a class that assigns a specific Entitlement process to accounts that have an empty lookup field. The problem I'm facing is that I'm receiving an error when trying to write the SlaProcess.name Value.
My Class:
public class Asignar_SLA {
public static void sla(){
SlaProcess sla = [Select id from SlaProcess Where Name='SLA Tracx'];
List<Account> Cuentas = [Select Id from account where Entitlement__c=Null];
for(Account acc:Cuentas){
Entitlement SL = new Entitlement();
sl.SlaProcessId = sla.id;
sl.AccountId = acc.id;
sl.Name = 'SLA';
insert sl;
My test Class so far:
@istest public class Asignar_SLA_isTest {
public static void Test_SLA(){
SlaProcess SLA = new SlaProcess();
sla.Name = 'Sla Tracx';
Account acc = new Account();
The error I'm getting:
Field is not writeable: SlaProcess.Name