This is not a question, but one of my findings after spending some significant time on Lightning framework.

Problem : I was querying ~3k accounts and related child objects and was building a wrapper class to return the response back to the lightning app. The code looked something like this

Public Class AccountQueryController{


    Public Static List<AccountWrapper> queryAllAccounts(){

        List<AccountWrapper> accountWrapperList = New List<AccountWrapper>();

        List<Account> myAccounts = [Select id, Name, BillingState.
                                           (Select id
                                              From Contacts)
                                      From Account];

            for(Account currentAccount : myAccounts){
                accountWrapperList.add(new AccountWrapper (..) );

        return accountWrapperList;

    Public Class AccountWrapper{
        Account currentAccount;

        Integer noOfContacts;

        Boolean isPartnerAccount;

        //Few more variables

        Public AccountWrapper(Account currentAccount, Integer noOfContacts, Boolean isPartnerAccount, ..){
            this.currentAccount = currentAccount;

It was taking close to 8 Seconds to load the component and which from user experience is quite a lot of time.

Solution After exploring chrome JS console for event timelines and SF developer console to understand the server process time for query handling and returning the response, I realised AURA framework was taking a lot of time to create the auraBindings for wrapper class variables. There were plenty of aura statements in the logs.

Just to experiment with the component performance, I decided to modify the response type and return a JSON object string, instead of an object list itself.

To my surprise, it improved the component performance quite significantly and brought it down to ~3 seconds (Which it not too bad).

Public Class AccountQueryController{


    Public Static List<AccountWrapper> queryAllAccounts(){

        List<AccountWrapper> accountWrapperList = New List<AccountWrapper>();

        List<Account> myAccounts = [Select id, Name, BillingState.
                                           (Select id
                                              From Contacts)
                                      From Account];

            for(Account currentAccount : myAccounts){
                accountWrapperList.add(new AccountWrapper (..) );

        return JSON.serialize(accountWrapperList);

    Public Class AccountWrapper{
        Account currentAccount;
        Integer noOfContacts;
        Boolean isPartnerAccount;
        //Few more variables

        Public AccountWrapper(Account currentAccount, Integer noOfContacts, Boolean isPartnerAccount, ..){
            this.currentAccount = currentAccount;

Let me know if anybody has faced anything similar. Cheers.

  • 1
    It might be because of some extra work aura framework has to do for binding. I did not check from performance perspective. Could you please tell how you measured that component is taking 8 seconds? Commented May 8, 2017 at 5:06
  • 1
    Have you tried this in Summer 17 (e.g. a Sandbox?) I hear it's supposed to be much better.
    – sfdcfox
    Commented May 8, 2017 at 5:09
  • I used the JS console (Network) to check how long did it take to return the call back. @KiranMachhewar Commented May 8, 2017 at 11:49
  • After switching to string as response type and JS object at client side, performance has improved drastically @sfdcfox Commented May 8, 2017 at 11:50

1 Answer 1


Salesforce community optimizer chrome plugin can actually breakup and help identify slowness in your components. On Server calls there is a section other which can help tell how much time it takes to serialize return type of your aura enabled class method.

  1. Salesforce did a review of our code and they said List<SrappperClasses> is causing high serializing and de-serializing time.They asked us to send sObject instances with just relevant fields and manipulate UI using a java script object

  2. Also if your markup contains lot of custom labels(>100) it increases the overall serialization time. they asked to load the entire set of labels as a map and refer that in lightning components instead of directly referring them in markups using labels.

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