I am planning to schedule apex from my class if it meets certain conditions. Is it possible to schedule apex for a single time? If yes is it done using Cron expression or any other method.
3 Answers
If your class implements Database.Batchable
, you can also use System.scheduleBatch
to run a batch X minutes in the future. This negates the need for a scheduled class entirely. You can also daisy chain these together if you want to run perpetually every X minutes by calling the batch again in the finish method.
Cron expression can we used to run job for any given time. You can schedule for with following expression
0 0 5 1 MAR ? 2019
You can use following tool to generate your cron expression: http://www.freeformatter.com/cron-expression-generator-quartz.html
Please note that Salesforce doesn't allow wildcard for seconds and minutes. Refer following table for valid cron expression value
2You've mentioned this tool before, but you should mention that some actual cron expressions are not valid in Apex, such as second or minute wildcards.– sfdcfox ♦Commented May 3, 2017 at 7:29
From the document - Run a scheduled Apex job once
Using Scheduled Apex UI you can not set a scheduled class to run only once, it's always recurring. So, you'll need to use System.scheduled
via the system log to implement a workaround.
After the apex is scheduled, Abort the job by adding a finish
method to your class that implements the Schedulable
Interface. This stops the job from running more than once.
Example code for running a job 10 minutes from now only once
String hour = String.valueOf(Datetime.now().hour());
String min = String.valueOf(Datetime.now().minute() + 10); String ss = String.valueOf(Datetime.now().second());
//parse to cron expression
String nextFireTime = ss + ' ' + min + ' ' + hour + ' * * ?';
MyScheduledJob s = new MyScheduledJob(); System.schedule('Job Started At ' + String.valueOf(Datetime.now()), nextFireTime, s);
1You have to schedule your batch for 6 times, if you want to run batch for every 10 mints.Go through this - salesforce.stackexchange.com/questions/170829/…– SamirCommented May 3, 2017 at 7:31
@Ishan this question and its linked questions discuss scheduling less than hourly granularity.– sfdcfox ♦Commented May 3, 2017 at 7:31
@sfdcfox should I delete this question because I think it is duplicate– IshanCommented May 3, 2017 at 7:32
2Is it me or does the code here schedule this to run "10 minutes from now" every day not just "right now"? I'm a cron noob so apologies if I'm missing something. Commented May 19, 2020 at 16:43