For the first time, I'm trying to use the "Customize the logic" option in Process Builder (in the "Define Criteria for this Action Group").
I added the logic to it, but the text field containing the logic turns red and beneath it displays the message "This field is required."
This is what I tried:
(ISCHANGED([Account].Name)=True OR ISCHANGED([Account].Phone)=True OR ISCHANGED([Account].BillingCity)=True OR ISCHANGED([Account].BillingCountry)=True OR ISCHANGED([Account].BillingState)=True OR ISCHANGED([Account].BillingStreet)=True OR ISCHANGED([Account].BillingPostalCode)=True OR ISCHANGED([Account].Owner.Id)=True OR ISCHANGED([Account].Website)=True) AND [Account].LastModifiedBy.LastName<>’Service Account’
I also tried putting it inside a big "IF" and using != instead of <>.
Edit: This process runs when an Account is changed. And the logic is intended to execute the action only when certain fields are edited, and when it is not edited by the "Service Account" user.