The user decided the 'Program' field should allow multiple programs. So I created a new field that uses multi pick list. So now I want to loop through and copy the field 'ABC' to the multi pick list option 'ABC'
Do I need to code this or is there a tool?
More Clearly:
There is a book object with a NAME and a GENRE (Action/Horror/Comedy). People have used this for a few months.
One day they realize they want the book object to have MANY genres. A new field is created called GENRES (it is a multi pick list of the collection (Action/Horror/Comedy)to hold these... So now a book can be a Action AND a Comedy.
The problem is. There is already 5000 records that use the old GENRE field.
How do I copy that GENRE field to the new GENRES field for all the records?
does that make sense ?