There are no SSJS functions to parse XML, but we have achieved this with SSJS by using regular expressions to parse the XML, which works really well. Here's a snippet to set you in the right direction:
function trim(x) {
return x.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, '');
function dataFromAttr(data, attr, notNull){
if (data){
var reg = new RegExp("<"+attr+">", "g");
var result = data.match(reg);
if(result.length == 0){
var str = '';
return trim(str);
if(result.length == 1){
var str = data.split("<"+attr+">")[1];
str = str.split("</"+attr+">")[0];
return trim(str);
if(result.length > 1){
var str = data.split("</"+attr+"> <"+attr+">");
return str;
var nullElementValue = new RegExp("<"+attr+" />");
if(data.match(nullElementValue).length) return "";
if(notNull) return "";
return null;
var phHome = dataFromAttr(client, "home_phone");
var phMobile = dataFromAttr(client, "mobile_phone");
In this instance, this script retrieving the home_phone and mobile_phone values from a client
element in my XML:
<fax_number />