It can be done. There is field called UserPreferencesDisableFollowersEmail which actually store the Follow me option data for the user.
so if you want to do this via trigger or class just put the below code snippet, it will work :-
//Select List of user for which Follows Me option. you can put where logic for selective users
List<User> lst_User = [Select Id,UserPreferencesDisableFollowersEmail from User];
List<User> lst_updated = new List<User>();//list of user which will be updated
if(!lst_User.isEmpty() && lst_User.size()>0){
for(User us : lst_User){
us.UserPreferencesDisableFollowersEmail = true;//it should be true if you want to unchecked the Follows Me
if(!lst_updated.isEmpty() && lst_updated.size()>0){
update lst_updated; //updated the user
i have done this in my developer Org,it is working fine. It should solve your purpose.