Is there something special you need to do before merging a record in apex to avoid an INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE DML exceptions? I'm not actually setting these fields, so why does the system care about them?
System.DmlException: Merge failed. First exception on row 0 with id 00QV0000007HzSvMAK; first error: INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE, Unable to create/update fields: Q_Calc_2__c, IsDeleted, Lead_RFP_Calc__c, Q_Calc_Score__c, Lead_Quote_Score__c, IsConverted, Q_Calc_1__c. Please check the security settings of this field and verify that it is read/write for your profile or permission set.: [Q_Calc_2__c, IsDeleted, Lead_RFP_Calc__c, Q_Calc_Score__c, Lead_Quote_Score__c, IsConverted, Q_Calc_1__c]
I'm writing a test method for some merge related functionality (trigger to prevent deleting leads if not merging). It's complaining that some fields are read only, but I'm a bit lost about why it's caring about those fields in the first place since I'm not setting them.
private static void testMergeAllowed() {
User testUser = TestUtil.generateUser();
testUser.ProfileId = TestUtil.STANDARD_PROFILE_ID;
testUser.Allow_Delete_Lead__c = false;
Lead testLead1 = TestUtil.generateLead();
Lead testLead2 = TestUtil.generateLead();
insert new Lead[] { testLead1, testLead2 };
System.runAs(testUser) {
try {
merge testLead1 testLead2;
} catch (Exception e) {
System.assert(false, 'exception on merge: ' + e);
// Leads
public static Lead createLead() {
Lead record = generateLead();
insert record;
return record;
public static Lead generateLead() {
Lead record = (Lead) Lead.SObjectType.newSObject(null, true);
record.LastName = generateRandomString(16);
record.Company = generateRandomString(16);
return record;